Social Skill Development & Behavior Management

Our professionals work with families, teachers, and school systems to reduce or eliminate challenging behaviors in children related to anxiety, aggression, defiance, apathy, ODD, ADHD, Autism, and other issues. We provide direct consultation with parents and teachers (if applicable) in order to ensure that intervention strategies are carried out across settings.
Dr. Roorbach developed and implements the "Safe Brain" model in working with families to increase environmental factors that lead to social competence and positive outcomes in children. At The Loop Center for Social & Emotional Development, we combine research-based intervention philosophies with brain-based explanations to help parents understand the function of their child's behavior. With parents and teachers input, we develop concrete solutions that create a "Safe Brain Environment" where the child's challenging behaviors become ineffective, irrelevant, and inefficient and emotional intelligence can thrive.
Services Provided:
Dr. Roorbach developed and implements the "Safe Brain" model in working with families to increase environmental factors that lead to social competence and positive outcomes in children. At The Loop Center for Social & Emotional Development, we combine research-based intervention philosophies with brain-based explanations to help parents understand the function of their child's behavior. With parents and teachers input, we develop concrete solutions that create a "Safe Brain Environment" where the child's challenging behaviors become ineffective, irrelevant, and inefficient and emotional intelligence can thrive.
Services Provided:
- Social & Emotional Evaluation (includes an InterAction Plan)
- Weekly Parent Sessions (for coaching on strategy implementation)
- School/Natural Environment Behavioral Observations
- Teacher/School Consultations (to ensure consistent implementation)
Special Education Consulting and Support

Our team will work with your family and the school system to ensure that your child's best interests are being met while assisting in the determination of appropriate interventions and services within the context of your child's Individual Education Program (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). As trained special educators, mental health specialists, and legal analysts, our team has experience assessing children's social/emotional, cognitive, and adaptive skills and using these metrics to ensure meaningful, measurable goals and outcomes are established based on the family's hopes and dreams for their child.
Our team draws from the latest research in neuroscience, psychology, special education, and the therapeutic sciences to provide guidance and support to families navigating daily life with a child with special needs. Our approach is comprehensive, learning about the family unit as a whole, including routines, schedules, temperaments, interactions and future goals before recommending intervention plans, outcomes, or therapies.
Services Provided:
Our team draws from the latest research in neuroscience, psychology, special education, and the therapeutic sciences to provide guidance and support to families navigating daily life with a child with special needs. Our approach is comprehensive, learning about the family unit as a whole, including routines, schedules, temperaments, interactions and future goals before recommending intervention plans, outcomes, or therapies.
Services Provided:
- Social & Emotional Evaluation (includes InterAction Plan)
- IEP/IFSP Meeting Attendance and Advocacy
- Private School Administration Meeting Attendance
- Teacher/School Consultations
Finding the Right School

A team member will personally meet with families to learn about values, temperament considerations, lifestyle choices as well as discipline practices. Using this information and knowledge of social emotional development and various local preschool values and beliefs, we will guide families toward making the best decision for their child. The Loop Center does not connect families with preschools based on which facility may be popularly considered the “best.” Decades of education quality research shows that quality in early childhood instruction is best achieved through teacher/parent/child congruency. If parents are teaching certain values at home, and the preschool attended by the child is teaching conflicting values at school, children are less likely to reap the benefits of early social, emotional, and cognitive instruction and may not reach their full potential when entering grade school.
Services Provided:
Services Provided:
- Family Consultations (hourly)
- School Visits with Families
Contact The Loop Center for more information.